
SKU 3127 Category Tag


Signature Series

Vampires gotta vamp. Part of the The Revamp’d Collection – Refined candles. Repurposed containers. Responsible luxury.


Wax: Combination of Organic Coconut Wax, Organic Soy Wax, and Organic Apricot Wax.
Wick: Organic Cotton
Glass and Metal Containers: Repurposed/Reclaimed/Crafter-Maker DESTASH
Metal Lids: Repurposed/Reclaimed/Crafter-Maker DESTASH
No Gross Stuff: Erin does her best to make sure there are no leads or harmful metals or petroleum based products in her products and that all fragrances are clean burning and phthalate free.
Burn Times:

  • 1.5oz: 10-15 hrs
  • 8oz: 40-55 hrs
  • 12oz: 64-84 hrs

* Product pictured is 10 ounces.


The Blood Countess

Countess Elizabeth Báthory was a 16th century Hungarian noblewoman. She put the “mean” in “Mean Girl,” the “bull” in “Bully,” and the “Bath” in “Báthory.” She went mad trying to keep it all: her riches, her property, her land, and her looks. Stories describing Báthory’s vampiric tendencies, such as the tale that she bathed in the blood of virgins to retain her youth, were generally recorded years after her death, and are considered unreliable. However, the stories of Báthory’s sadistic serial murders are verified by the testimony of more than 300 witnesses and survivors as well as physical evidence and the presence of horribly mutilated dead, dying, and imprisoned girls found at the time of her arrest.

Nicknames and literary epithets attributed to her include The Blood Countess and Countess Dracula.

She was obsessed with lush luxurious foods and wines. So. Wrap yourself in comfort with this fruit forward scent. It has a cozy warmth that’s always inviting. Bright Citrus and a touch of Black Cherry enhance the Dark Cashmere Plum heart of this fragrance. Amber, Sugar, and Vanilla base notes reinforce the sweetness of this scent, while Musk and Bergamot add a light earthy dimension.

The Casquette Girls

In lore, there is truth. It should come as no surprise the stories of The Casquette Girls are an embellishment of both fact and fiction.

In 1728, women were scarce in the new colony of New Orleans.

In France, they were correctional women considered “women without futures.”

By order of King Louis XIV, these women were considered a necessity and were quickly shipped overseas, against their will. They often carried their belongings in small wooden chests (casquettes).

The harsh travel conditions depleted them. They arrived in the new colony of New Orleans as pale, gaunt women with the ability to age backwards. Taking the daylight hours to recharge, these women reemerged nightly both healthy and youthful. Time, rumors, and superstitions turned them into vampires.

This fragrance is a tribute to the lovely mystery of our lives. It is a romantic fragrance that is a celebration of love and innocence. It has Top Notes of a glorious floral composition, with delicate Freesia, Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Lily-of-the-Valley, and Rose. Multi-faceted Middle Notes of fruity florals of Brisk Melon, Peach, Plum and Passion Fruit. A sensually fruity, floral fragrance that is elegant and distinctive. Bottom Notes of Musk, Amber, Sandalwood and Cedarwood bring the scent down to earth.


Burn this bold citrus scent before you scuttle back into your coffin to calm your nerves, relax your spirit and to evoke cheer. Blood Orange is a lovely citrus fragrance that is known to stimulate the senses, making it easier to concentrate and have mental clarity and focus.


Transylanian Saxon rumor and a violent passion for his homeland lead to the massive Legend of Vlad III of Wallachia to be known by many names. Vald Dracul being the most infamous of his titles, he ruled an area of what is now Romania. His reputation for aggression during wartime preceded his reign and followed him beyond his death. Erin felt that someone of this kind of notoriety deserved a fragrance that was as enchanting, earthy, and bold as he was. It so happens that Romania is considered one of the most prominent wine makers in the world. Erin chose Deep Cabernet and Rich Merlot to reflect his regal upbringing, while Lemon and Honey pay homage to traditional Romanian mulled wine. Heads up (pun totally intended) – she impaled it all with a stab of Black Pepper too.

Additional information
Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Size (in ounces)

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The Blood Countess, The Casquette Girls, Vampyre, Vlad

Erin Rose Design produces wearable artwork and elevated decor that bring together high design and the macabre in a one-of-a-kind way.

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